Fear is the foundation of most governments.
-John Adams
Sunday, January 15, 2006
"This war on terror has no boundaries. We have to go where these people are, and we have to take them out." -Sen. John McCain
Do you know what else has no boundaries? Fantasia!
We have officially crossed into a realm of pure fantasy.
Because now America, as a matter of course during its War on Terror, has the ability to completely ignore sovereignty* and international law and use force on foreign soil without approval, even murdering civilians** in our attempts to eliminate viable targets.
We suggest construction of a mighty tesseract, in order to extend our Self-Justified, Continuous war into more perpendicular terror-spawning dimensions.
"It's a regrettable situation, but what else are we supposed to do? The Pakistani border is a real problem." -Sen. Evan Bayh
What, indeed?
Honor our treaties and agreements? Take a step back from our war-fueled zeal? Question the practices of the CIA?
Of course not. No questions are relevant in an age where questions are rendered insignificant by the next gaffe the administration spits out. Questions are considered treasonous, unless they're asking how brilliant is the President or how craven those favoring Iraq withdrawal.
Perhaps, once we have soundly trounced Iran, which should be a flower-strewn walk in the park, we can do something about that problematic Pakistan border.
*"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a - you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." -George Bush
I guess if Bush doesn't explicitly give a country sovereignty then it clearly can't possess it.
**We refer to dead civilians as collateral damage. Warbloggers like to tender their statements when such things occur by pointing out that "mistakes get made" and "wars always have collateral damage" (not that most of them have ever been in combat) without ever considering whether certain civilian casualties could have been prevented by altering strategy or changing our tactics.
In other words, to them neither ends nor means matter -- what matters is that the stated end was a good one. This means that anything can ultimately be justified by invoking a higher good or secondary goal, even if the actual actions were faulty.
Apologies for the following educating moment. We realize facts are frightening.
"The carpet bombing that had started covertly in 1970 to stop America's enemies from Vietnam using Cambodia as a base outraged the American public and crippled Cambodia as a nation." -BBC News
I suppose we can forget about what happened to Cambodia in 1975.