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History Breeds Futility
Fear is the foundation of most governments.
-John Adams
Sunday, January 22, 2006

"The average American, like the average man of any country, has but little imagination. People who speak a different language, or worship some other god, or wear clothing unlike his own, are beyond the horizon of his sympathy. He cares but little or nothing for the sufferings or misfortunes of those who are of a different complexion or of another race. His imagination is not powerful enough to recognize the human being, in spite of peculiarities. Instead of this he looks upon every difference as an evidence of inferiority, and for the inferior he has but little if any feeling. If these "inferior people" claim equal rights be feels insulted, and for the purpose of establishing his own superiority tramples on the rights of the so-called, inferior.

"In our own country the native has always considered himself as much better than the immigrant, and as far superior to all people of a different complexion. At one time our people hated the Irish, then the Germans, then the Italians, and now the Chinese. The Irish and Germans, however, became numerous. They became citizens, and, most important of all, they had votes. They combined, became powerful, and the political parties sought their aid. They had something to give in exchange for protection -- in exchange for political rights. In consequence of this, they were flattered by candidates, praised by the political press, and became powerful enough not only to protect themselves, but at last to govern the principal cities in the United States. As a matter of fact the Irish and the Germans drove the native Americans out of the trades and from the lower forms of labor. They built the railways and canals. They became servants. Afterward the Irish and the Germans were driven from the canals and railways by the Italians.

"The Irish and Germans improved their condition. They went into other businesses, into the higher and more lucrative trades. They entered the professions, turned their attention to politics, became merchants, brokers, and professors in colleges. They are not now building railroads or digging on public works. They are contractors, legislators, holders of office, and the Italians and Chinese are doing the old work.

"If matters had been allowed to work in a natural way, without the interference of mobs or legislators, the Chinese would have driven the Italians to better employments, and all menial labor would, in time, be done by the Mongolians."

-Robert Green Ingersoll


We would encourage a readthrough of Orcinus' thorough appraisal of the Minutemen, the undeniably racist (though members will vehemently deny it) anti-Mexican-immigration group. Ostensibly they present their case as gravely concerned about the porous nature of America's borders, yet only truly focus on the southernmost border (except in minor instances where stories from the Canadian border can be hyped to play on the same fear response).

Vast alterations in a nation's political structure often bring fear of the Other to the forefront of public discourse. Since politics constantly resembles a chaotic Charybdis, vilification of the Other runs on a cyclical loop, with only the type swapped for one more current. The tactic should be seen as purely diversionary and entirely predictable - find a great source of frustration, amplify and direct it.

It should be remembered that the Red Scare of the early 1920s swept all kinds of dissidents in its wake - pacifists, anarchists, unions, even people only resembling radicals (one must assume a kind of know it when I see it judgment call). The fearmongers used every kind of scare tactic to push their repressive social agenda. The government expanded its surveillance of Americans to ridiculous levels.

Time marches on. The same tactics still work.


How you too can make an enemy from nothing:

1. Foster hatred toward people that can be lumped into an easily-recognizable group (typically, obviously, by skin tone/ethnicity).

Create derogatory referent terms for the group, which will act as "code words" for those sympathetic to your cause. These terms can be dispersed into the media -- even those offering rebuttals will be forced into using your language, thus lending it legitimacy.

2. Paint that group as acting toward a single, sinister agenda; Or, conversely, as solely responsible for myriad social and criminal offenses; Or, preferably, both.

Be sure to blame them for all negative aspects of history as well. Rely on people's ignorance; It will never fail to exceed your expectations.

3. Target that group with pressure-inducing measures -- extra scrutiny, harassment, phone taps, whatever it takes. Treat all members of that group as suspect, no matter their individual situation.

Point out and overhype all negative news items involving that group while ignoring all other similar actions by those not belonging to said group.

4. Begin making broad arrests of group members based on little evidence. Be sure to encourage violation of due process without explicitly denying it.

With such a wide net you are bound to make mistakes - cover them up, do not apologize, never admit guilt.

5. Wage the information war as well -- make sure members of the group are greeted with suspicion everywhere they go. Mask overt hatred with shoddy justifications -- a good number of moderates may be duped by this tactic.

If you employ paid demagogues, don't bother getting them to disguise the bigotry - this way extremists will recognize their own and offer support.

Attack opponents by painting them as "sympathizers" willing to allow the group to commit any act whatsoever out of misguided coddling and/or deliberate malevolence.

6. If you have acted competently, you will have driven many in the group toward extremism. When their extremism rises, you now have a convenient excuse to bring even more pressure to bear.

Encourage your own extremists to escalate while simultaneously disavowing any knowledge of their actions and possibly even expressing public disapproval. At the same time mainstream your extreme elements.

7. Eventually, with enough prodding, enough exacerbation, you can justify any extreme measure taken in your crusade against the enemy you helped create.

Act as you will in your wide-ranging persecution.


Deacon @ 22:23 : comments: 0
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The Two Things about History:
Everything has earlier antecedents.

Corrolary: all culture, including religion, is syncretic; there is nothing purely original.

Second Corrolary: there's no question that a historian can't complicate by talking about what led up to it.

2. Sources lie, but they're all we have.

-Jonathan Dresner, "The Two Things"
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